Hop to it! The annual Parks & Recreation Easter Egg Hunt/Candy Grab returns at 11 a.m. Saturday, March 28 at the Community Center. Enjoy egg hunts by age at 11 a.m. with activities, games and prizes until 1 p.m. This free event is held rain or shine and is co-sponsored by the Shakopee Jaycees.
Update March 27:
The snow and cold have convinced the Easter Bunny to bring all the Easter Egg Hunt fun indoors Saturday at the Community Center.
We'll make the best of it by utilizing the gyms for two egg hunts/candy grabs and will work to keep things moving.
The first egg hunt (5 and under) will start around 11 a.m. The second hunt for ages 6 and up will follow immediately after the area is reset with candy and eggs. We request a five-egg limit in order to spread out the success (no limit on candy). Eggs containing gold tokens will be redeemable for prizes.
Ages 5 and under will go downstairs for staging just prior to 11 a.m. We would appreciate children 6 and older to remain upstairs until it's their turn. After the first hunt, ages 5 and under will proceed upstairs through the ice arena while children ages 6 and older come down the main Community Center stairs for their hunt.
If you have kids in both age groups, pick one age group to participate. The Easter Bunny is flexible!
The Jaycees will have some games with prizes and craft activities upstairs. Upon departure, please help keep this event free by recycling your eggs in available bins.
We expect a big crowd and the quarters may be "cozy" while the Easter Bunny is spreading warmth and smiles! Don't forget a basket/bucket/bag!