If you are in need of help preparing your taxes, the AARP Foundation will offer free income tax assistance to senior citizens and low-income families from 9 a.m. to noon Wednesdays, Feb. 4 through April 15 at the Shakopee Community Center, 1255 Fuller St. S.
Volunteer counselors will assist with basic federal and state tax returns on a first-come, first-served basis. No appointments will be accepted.
Please bring the following documents:
- Photo ID, Social Security card and copies of last year’s tax returns.
- Records of last year’s income from all sources (Social Security SSA-1099, pensions, W-2 income, interest, dividends and capital gains and all 1099 forms you have received).
- Records of unemployment collected, disability income and county assistance.
- Certificate of Rent Paid (CRP) or 2014 Scott County Tax Statement.
- If itemizing, bring records of deductible expenses (i.e., medical, health insurance, long-term care insurance, taxes paid, mortgage interest and charitable contributions).
For more information about the AARP Tax-Aide Program, please call 888-AARP-NOW (888-227-7669) or visit AARP.org/taxaide.